Auto Correct System With Help Development Studio 1.8, we introduce a powerful system of auto correction. If you use the Auto Correct system, change of any key settings in your help project such as change of topic IDs, Contexts, window Names will not lead to broken links in your help file, broken topics in the Table of Contents, help Index, etc. Choose the Options command from the Service menu. Go to the Auto Correct tab at the appeared dialog box. Use Auto Correct System Specifies whether the Auto Correct system is active or inactive. Correct Contents If checked, properties of the contents items are automatically corrected. Correct Index If checked, properties of the HTML Help keywords are automatically corrected. Correct Project Settings If checked, the Auto Correct system corrects project options, macros added to WinHelp topics and Windows, etc. Correct Tags If checked, the Auto Correct system corrects all the tags in the text of help topics. Sync Text Title if checked, when you change the topic Title property, the title in the text of this topic is also changed. Sync Contents Titles if checked, when you change the topic Title property, the titles of the contents items which refer to the given topic are also changed. Sync Index Titles if checked, when you change the topic Title property, the titles of the HTML Help keywords which refer to the given topic are also changed. Sync is Case Sensitive If checked, automatic synchronization of titles (see the options above) is case sensitive. Confirm Correction If checked, the program will request your confirmation before to perform an automatic correction. |